St. Elmo’s Fire (1985)

To them.

Alejandra Vera


It seems like they are going through the hardest time of their lives; they are trying to hold on but there are days where everything feels useless and that makes them hopeless. What kind of words do they want to hear so they can feel better? I don’t know.

Living their lives one day at a time, wondering when everything will start to feel like it’s getting better; so many big decisions need to be made by people who are too young to really know what they want. Everything feels like a mistake and they’ve never felt so lost. What if it all goes wrong? Will they be able to handle the consequences? I’m worried.

Somehow they always find a way out. Money issues are constantly haunting them and yet, they manage to deal with them like champions. You’d think that they have it together because they are living the adulthood life, but truth is, they don’t know what they are doing most of the time.

There are so many things they want to do, so many goals they want to achieve but the thing is, what do they have to do in order to get there? How many things do they have to give up to so they can be happy? How many obstacles do they have to overcome before reaching their dreams? Do you think they’ll make it? I hope they do.

It seems to me they’re dealing with more pain than what they speak about; some days I worry they’ll start looking for ways to cover their pain and I’m afraid they won’t be good ones. I wish I could tell them how proud I am of them; I wish they knew how far they’ve come, but how can I encourage them to do what they want to do if I myself can’t seem to start getting there? How can I give advice when I’m a walking mess?

I’d like you to know you’ve done so many great things, even when you feel like you haven’t. I want you to feel safe and be sure of what you’re doing with you life, you deserve to be happy because you’re wonderful; I hope someday you get there so when you look back to the path we’ve gone through together, you have a genuine smile on your face because, even if we don’t talk anymore, you’ll remember this time as the moment that helped you to become who you are, and I’ll be glad to have been there with you along the way.

